You may have heard the word “vertigo” before, but do you really know what it means? Vertigo is a symptom that causes your brain to detect spinning, rocking, or swaying movements even when you’re sitting quietly by a corner. It can stem from various things, including previous head injuries and inner ear infections.
Notably, sometimes it can also develop because of cervical spine misalignments. Now, you may be wondering, how can spinal problems lead to disorienting vertigo attacks? How can a vertigo chiropractor in Wichita like Dr. Barrett help?
This article hopes to explain everything you need to know to achieve a vertigo-free life and a healthy spine.
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The Spine, Nervous System, and Vertigo connection
Vertigo is a neurological health concern that causes dizziness or a feeling of spinning when you are stationary or not moving around. While it primarily stems from brain or inner ear problems, sometimes it can develop due to a compromised spinal structure.
Your spinal health plays a vital role in your vertigo attacks. Your spine is the body’s main structural support, and it houses your nervous system, which functions as the brain’s main communication channel. Together, these group of organs make up the overall control system that helps maintain the body’s balance and stability.
Your Spinal Health’s Role in Your Vertigo Attacks
Your spinal health has a lot to do with your vertigo attacks. Vertigo is a common condition that affects the inner ear and causes you to feel unsteady or off-balance. You may experience dizziness, nausea, and vomiting during an episode of vertigo. These symptoms can be debilitating and cause long-term effects on your quality of life if left unchecked.
Your vertigo attacks may be the result of spinal structure problems such as degenerative disc disease (DDD) or cervical radiculopathy (also called cervical nerve root irritation). Alternatively, your disorienting symptom might trace its roots to displaced or shifted neck bones.
As you may notice, the neck bones contribute to your brain’s ability to detect movements and balance problems. Naturally, if the bones shift by even a fraction of a millimeter, they can interfere with your brain and vestibular system function.
If ignored for too long, the spinal misalignment worsens and increases your risks for other vertigo-causing conditions plus additional comorbidities such as nerve pain, herniated discs, and chronic headaches.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
The Importance Of Having A Healthy Spine
A healthy spine is vital for maintaining proper posture, letting the nervous system function correctly, and allowing your entire body to move and function smoothly. It also allows you to be active in your day-to-day life – a factor that can make a huge difference in ensuring your body’s overall wellbeing.
Tips for Healthier Spine
For those who suffer from vertigo or other spinal health-related concerns, we strongly urge you to pay closer attention to your vertebral bones. The following steps will help you do just that:
Eat a healthy diet
Make it a habit to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. Additionally, it would help if you steered clear of added sugars, preservatives, and other food additives.
Exercise regularly
Any type of physical activity is beneficial. Choose something that you enjoy doing so that it’s easier to maintain. Simple things like taking walks outside during lunch breaks at work instead of being stuck indoors all day long could significantly reduce overall levels of anxiety which should lead directly to fewer vertigo attacks.
Get enough sleep
Most adults need seven to nine hours per night. Anything less than six can make it harder for your body to recover from daily stresses like work or running errands around town with friends after work hours. We strongly recommend creating and following healthy sleep hygiene and tapping into relaxation techniques like meditation, deep tissue massage, yoga, and aromatherapy.
How Can A Vertigo Chiropractor In Wichita Help?
If you suffer from vertigo attacks and want to find a practical approach to help you cope better, we suggest visiting a vertigo chiropractor in Wichita.
A vertigo chiropractor in Wichita, like Dr. Barrett, can provide relief for various conditions and symptoms by adjusting the topmost vertebrae in your cervical spine. This can relieve pressure on the nerves that control balance and movement.
By reducing stress on these nerves, you may regain control over your body’s movement patterns, allowing you to experience less dizziness or unsteadiness when standing up or moving around. In addition, cervical chiropractic adjustments can promote widespread muscle relaxation – another critical aspect of relieving vertigo attacks.
Barrett Chiropractic: A Trusted Practice in Wichita
If you suffer from vertigo and have not yet considered chiropractic care as part of your treatment, consider contacting one of our doctors at Barrett Chiropractic in Wichita. Upper cervical chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive way to resolve vertigo and other dizziness symptoms to reduce your discomfort.
Our chiropractor, Dr. Barrett, makes sure to run comprehensive diagnostic tests to obtain precise measurements of the C1 and C2 bones and provide helpful neck bone adjustments. He can also recommend exercises that will help improve your balance and maintain the adjustments provided during each session.
Book your appointment with us, whether for a vertigo-causing condition or other concerns. We will make sure that you benefit from top-notch care and thorough consultations. We are open weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm. You can reach us via phone at 316-844-1351, email, or online form.
To schedule a consultation with The Barrett Chiropractic clinic, call 316-844-1351 or just click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at