- At Barrett Chiropractic, we utilize the most specific form of Chiropractic Care called Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is a form of health care that focuses on the craniocervical junction or the top two bones in the neck. This natural, safe and effective form of care focuses on removing the interference in the upper part of the spine (where the brainstem is located) with a simple correction.
- The brainstem controls every automatic function and response in the body, such as: sleep, digestion, respiration, blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, balance and equilibrium, and much more. When the brainstem and the body are able to communicate with each other freely, you are able to live life to it’s fullest. We at Barrett Chiropractic locate, analyze and correct pressure and spinal misalignments in this critical area, therefore removing nervous system interference and allowing life to be expressed at it’s optimal potential.
- Our purpose is to help you achieve your health goals with as few adjustments as possible.